Amy Roskelley joined the Master of Business Creation (MBC) program at the University of Utah’s David Eccles School of Business to share her passion for health and wellness through her company Healthbeet.
Healthbeet is an online resource for healthy eating, weight loss strategies, portion control, meal plans, recipe ideas, and more. Roskelley started the company only wanting to sell nutrition plates. These plates are visual, portioned out meals with specific goals in mind — everything for kids learning to build healthy habits to adults trying to lose weight. Roskelley has been selling these plates along with lesson plans and other nutrition education resources for teachers and dieticians through her Amazon store and Shopify which has grossed more than $350,000 since January 2019.
The plates that Healthbeet sells are based on the USDA MyPlate guidelines. Roskelley was able to sustainably and safely lose weight and says that even now “it personally helps me get vegetables in three to four times a day.” In addition, Roskelley blogs about food, health tips and recipes which receive 500,000 page views a month.
Roskelley believes that her plates are helping people not only choose healthier, balanced options, but are encouraging them to sit down during their meals. “I think it’s very important when you’re trying to be healthier to first of all be aware and mindful of the foods you’re eating” said Roskelley, pointing out that taking the time to taste your food will satiate you. Her philosophy is to bring awareness to how and what people are eating, to keep the message positive instead of restrictive. Her number one tip for people is to focus on what foods to include in your diet, not on cutting anything out.

Healthbeet sells portion plates and provides an online resources for healthy eating and weight loss.
Roskelley got her start by creating a healthy eating company specifically designed for kids in 2007. She was able to sell her company and start Healthbeet 15 years later, this time wanting to help both children and adults.
When she found the MBC, Roskelley said, “I finally found what I wanted to do.” She loved that the coursework directly applied to her business and that she got to be a part of a greater cohort and network, especially as a self-proclaimed solo-preneur. Roskelley feels that the MBC has given her the guidance to reach her goals and legitimize her business.
After graduation, Roskelley hopes to scale what she’s done already by concentrating on marketing. She wants Healthbeet to have a creative team to help carry out her vision through videos, photos, and outreach.
The MBC is a nine-month program focused on helping founders grow their companies with support from mentorship, workshops, courses, grants and scholarships. It is provided by the Department of Entrepreneurship & Strategy at the Eccles School with support from the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute.
Learn more about Healthbeet at